Summer Programs 썸네일형 리스트형 Brookline Star Academy Organized by the Office of ELE and the METCO Program, the Star Aademy is ready to kick off its first virtual summer program for ELs and METCO students in the Brookline Public Schools. The program is for rising kindergarten to 8th grade students and will run between August 3rd to August 21st. Each child will receive a bag filled with educational tools and matericals that will help them learn at h.. 더보기 Summer Workshop III: Job Interview WORKSHOPIII:JOBINTERVIEW “HowtoPrepareJobSearchMaterials, suchas Resumes and Cover Letters” July29,2016 10:00 am - 12:00pm BrooklineTownHall(Room111) Audience:PreK-12Parents/Guardians To sign up for this workshop, please use the following link... "The secret to getting a job is to write a strong cover letter and resume. In this workshop we will look at examp.. 더보기 Summer Workshop II: SAT Verbal Test WORKSHOPII:SAT TEST “WhatisSATVerbal:HowtoRaiseYour Reading&WritingScore” July22,2016 10:00 am - 12:00 pm BrooklineTownHall(Room111) Audience:ELLFamiliesinGrades9-12 To sign up for the workshop, please use the following link. "For this workshop, we will discuss techniques for success on the verbal component of the SAT. We will focus mainly on reading compreh.. 더보기 Summer Workshop I: Being Bilingual WORKSHOPI:BEINGBILINGUAL “IsItImportanttoMaintaintheNativeLanguage at Home?” July15,2016 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Brookline TownHall(Room111) Audience: PreK-12Parents/Guardians We are so excited to invite Dr. Andrea Bleichmar to lead the workshop on this important topic. Immigrant families inevitably face challenges in their adjustment to America. Families often struggle how to best support their chi.. 더보기 Summer Program for 6th-9th Graders BHS Summer School offers many review and enrichment courses that are available to rising 6th-9th graders! -There are review classes in reading, writing, math, and science. -Two levels of an ELL course are also offered. -All students have the opportunity to take elective courses. -Elective offerings for the summer of 2015 are Life-Time Activities, World of Money, World Cuisine, Digital Arts/Compu.. 더보기 Brookline Rec Summer Programs Brookline Recreation The Brookline Recreation Department offers a number of summer and school year programs. For Summer Camp information, please click here: For information regarding Dolphin Swim Team: For nature learning and outdoor activities: 더보기 Smart Summer Classes Smart Summer This is a program offered through Brookline Adult and Community Education department. There are a variety of classes for students including computers, science, arts & crafts, and cooking. You can get more information on their website: 더보기 이전 1 다음