Brookline Recreation
May Coffee Time Topic of the Month: ALL ABOUT BROOKLINE RECREATION v summer camp schedules v information on centers & facilities (e.g., parks, swimming pool, golf course, ice skating link, etc.) v year-round programs & activities for every age
Speaker: Melissa Battite from Brookline Recreation Department When: Friday, May 8, 2015 10:00 am – 11:00 am Where: Brookline Town Hall, Room 111 333 Washington Street in Brookline
COFFEE TIME FOR PARENTS is a monthly gathering where immigrant families can gain school information and community resources. It is a great place to share ideas and meet new people. Come and enjoy! Contact Person: Sejin H. Choi, K-8 Immigrant Family Advisor [E-mail] [Blog]
Coffee Time for Parents is funded by the ELL Program of the Public Schools of Brookline. |