Conversation Grp.

2015 Summer Conversation Group for Parents

PSB ELE 2015. 6. 2. 04:06

Summer 2015 Conversation Group

FREE English classes are available for parents of ELL students in the Brookline school district. Classes are designed to assist participants in their speaking English skills. Everyone is welcome!

For registration information please e-mail:

Sejin H. Choi, K-8 Immigrant Family Advisor


Instructor: Lauren Carroll, an ELL teacher from the Public Schools of Brookline (July)

              Hillary Steinbrook, an instructor from the Boston Tutoring Services (August)

Level: Beginner

Time: 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Fee: Free to ELL Parents in the Brookline School District

Location: Brookline Town Hall

            333 Washington Street in Brookline 

~ July Schedule (Wednesdays) ~

7/1 (Room 103) 

7/8 (Room 111) 

7/15 (Room 103) 

7/22 (Room 103) 

7/29 (Room 103)

~ August Schedule (Fridays) ~

8/7 (Room 111) 

8/14 (Room 111) 

8/21 (Room 111) 

8/28 (Room 111)

CONVERSATION GROUP is funded by the ELL Program of the Public Schools of Brookline.