[ELL Lounge] January: English Pronunciation
E L L C o m m u n i t y L o u n g e
Topic of the Month:
Tips for Improving English Pronunciation
Friday, January 5, 2017 (Rescheduled Due to Snow Day)
New Dates: January 26 & February 2
12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.
Brookline Town Hall, Room 111
Presenter: Marjorie Feinstein-Whittaker, Owner of The Whittaker
Group and Co-Owner of ESL RULES
In this workshop, we will discuss how to pronounce words with
silent letters, how to identify words stress to enhance pronunciation,
and how to pronounce similar sounding words such as accent vs. ascent.
Bring your questions! All parents/guardians of English learners in the
district's ELL Program are welcome to join our monthly workshops!
Seating is limited and RSVP is required.
Please sign up on-line using the following link:
For questions, please contact Sejin H. Choi at sejin_choi@psbma.org
ELL Community Lounge is sponsored by the ELL Program of the Public Schools of Brookline. A different topic is covered each month to provide families with varied school-related resources and information.