Come Check Out Resource Library This Summer! ELE RESOURCE LIBRARY Any families in the district's ELE program are welcome to borrow educational materials from our ELE Resource Library. We've got many books and games for you to use to help your child enhance their literacy skills. You can borrow items for free for up to four weeks. During the school year, our library is open on Thursdays between 2 pm and 4 pm. If interested in coming at othe.. 더보기 Check out what we've just added to Family Fest 2019! 3-point Basketball Contest Do you or your child think you can become the Family Fest 3-point Basketball Champion? If yes, come show your basketball skills on the court! Each participant will have up to 60 seconds to shoot the basketball from the 3-point line. We will have 3 divisions: grades 1-4, grades 5-8, grades 9-12/adults. You can sign up to play on June 14th at Family Fest. Prizes will be .. 더보기 ELE & METCO Family Fest 2019 ELE & METCO FAMILY FEST ~ End of the School Year Celebration ~ All families of students enrolled in Brookline’s ELE & METCO programs are invited to Family Fest 2019! Raffle prizes, games, music, performances, demonstrations, food trucks, touch-a-truck, and other fun activities will be featured. This event is FREE. Please sign up by June 7th! RSVP at June 14, 2.. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ··· 38 다음