Free All-Levels Outdoor Yoga Salute the Summer Sun in Brookline!Free All-levels Outdoor Yoga Saturdays at 8:00 a.m.Minot Rose Garden(at Browne & St. Paul Streets, Brookline, located in the southeast corner of Winthrop Square) Co-hosted by Cooidge Corner Yoga & the Brookline Departments of Public Health and Parks and Open Space ~ For more information, please click ~ 더보기 Ice Cream Party! Ice Cream Party Do you know about Ice Cream Party for Summer Readers?Sponsored by the Friends of the Brookline Public Library, any children in Brookline can participate. After reading, children show their reading logs, pick up their certificate and celebrate at the ice cream party! Wednesday, August 20 @ 3 - 4:30 Thursday, August 21 @ 3 - 4:30 ~~~ You are required to sign up at the Library from .. 더보기 SUMMER Reading Group Begins! Summer Reading Fun Come and join the weekly reading group this summer! All children in the Brookline ELL program are welcome! Reading is a great way to learn English and gain knowledge about the world. We can make reading fun for your child by providing tips and strategies. Let’s help your child: - enjoy reading - select books at the right level- keep a reading log and write reviews - explore re.. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 다음