ell 썸네일형 리스트형 Programs for Adults in Brookline English Programs for Adults Brookline Housing Authority offers FREE English classes for low-income families. Classes are available morning and night. Bilingual staff are available to assist in a variety of languages including French, Mandarin, Russian, and Spanish. For more details, please contact Danielle Mendola, the ESOL director, at dmendola@brooklinehousing.org or visit http://brooklineesol.. 더보기 Summer Program for 6th-9th Graders BHS Summer School offers many review and enrichment courses that are available to rising 6th-9th graders! -There are review classes in reading, writing, math, and science. -Two levels of an ELL course are also offered. -All students have the opportunity to take elective courses. -Elective offerings for the summer of 2015 are Life-Time Activities, World of Money, World Cuisine, Digital Arts/Compu.. 더보기 How to Support Reading & Writing at Home April Coffee Time Topic of the Month:How to Support Reading & Writing at Home Speaker: Alexandra Berube from Boston Tutoring Services When: Friday, April 10, 2015 10:00 am – 11:00 am Where: Brookline Town Hall, Room 111 333 Washington Street in Brookline Contact Person: Sejin H. Choi, K-8 Immigrant Family Advisor [E-mail] sejin_choi@brookline.k12.ma.us COFFEE TIME FOR PARENTS is a monthly gather.. 더보기 Free English Classes for Fall 2014 Free English Classes for Newcomers Conversation Groupfor ELL Parents The ELL department of Public Schools of Brookline is pleased tooffer English Language Classess for newcomers in the Brooklinecommunity. Classess are designed to assist students in their speaking English skills. Everyone is welcome! For registration please e-mail: Sejin H. Choi K-8 Immigrant Family Advisor Public Schools of Broo.. 더보기 Ice Cream Party! Ice Cream Party Do you know about Ice Cream Party for Summer Readers?Sponsored by the Friends of the Brookline Public Library, any children in Brookline can participate. After reading, children show their reading logs, pick up their certificate and celebrate at the ice cream party! Wednesday, August 20 @ 3 - 4:30 Thursday, August 21 @ 3 - 4:30 ~~~ You are required to sign up at the Library from .. 더보기 SUMMER Reading Group Begins! Summer Reading Fun Come and join the weekly reading group this summer! All children in the Brookline ELL program are welcome! Reading is a great way to learn English and gain knowledge about the world. We can make reading fun for your child by providing tips and strategies. Let’s help your child: - enjoy reading - select books at the right level- keep a reading log and write reviews - explore re.. 더보기 How Do I Register for School? Registration Information During Summer Break If you are planning to register your elementary school level child(ren) between 7/8/14 and 8/7/14, please do so at the Main Office of the Lincoln Elementary School. All other elementary schools will not be available for registration during these days. For example, if you have a child going into the Pierce School next year, you can register at the Linc.. 더보기 Summer Conversation Groups Summer Conversation Groupsfor ELL Parents Free Workshop Register by Friday, June 27th Limited Space Register EarlyThis workshop is designed for Brookline ELL families who wish toadvance their language skills while learning more about Brookline!It is free and all levels of English are welcome to join. July Dates: Tuesdays at 11 am (7/1, 7/8, 7/15, 7/22, 7/29) Brookline Town Hall (Rm. 408) August .. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 다음