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Free Internet Services during School Closure Here's some information about free internet services: Free internet services for low-income families and for households with a studnet https://www.highspeedinternet.com/resources/internet-guide-during-coronavirus-outbreak Xfinity WiFi Free For Everyone including non-Xfinity subscribers https://corporate.comcast.com/covid-19 (Spanish translation is available at the bottom of the article.) 더보기
Interpretation & Translation Services The Public Schools of Brookline makes every effort to provide interpretation and translation services to parents/guardians whose primary language is not English. With adequate notice (approximately two weeks), the district can provide for more than 75 languages. The district provides such services for meetings and important school/district documents. Please see the information below about how to.. 더보기
Come Check Out Resource Library This Summer! ELE RESOURCE LIBRARY Any families in the district's ELE program are welcome to borrow educational materials from our ELE Resource Library. We've got many books and games for you to use to help your child enhance their literacy skills. You can borrow items for free for up to four weeks. During the school year, our library is open on Thursdays between 2 pm and 4 pm. If interested in coming at othe.. 더보기
List of Organizations - 2016 ELL Resoure Fair 2016-2017 ELL COMMUNITY RESOURCE FAIR If you didn't make it to the ELL Commuity Resource Fair held on November 7th, don't you worry! Here is a list of organizations participated at the Fair. You can use the links listed below to find more information on programs you are interetsed in. If you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me! Sejin (Email: sejin_choi@psbma.org) Asian A.. 더보기
Programs for Adults in Brookline English Programs for Adults Brookline Housing Authority offers FREE English classes for low-income families. Classes are available morning and night. Bilingual staff are available to assist in a variety of languages including French, Mandarin, Russian, and Spanish. For more details, please contact Danielle Mendola, the ESOL director, at dmendola@brooklinehousing.org or visit http://brooklineesol.. 더보기
Classes by Brookline Library The Public Library of Brookline offers free conversation groups for adults. The following information is taken from: https://www.brooklinelibrary.org/events/ongoing-events/esl-conversation-groups/ ESL Conversation Groups"The Friends of the Brookline Public Library sponsors free conversation groups. These English Conversation Groups are for adults who speak English as a Second Language. We focus .. 더보기
Classes by Brookline Adult Education The following information is kindly shared by Brookline Adult & Community Education Fall 2016: E.S.L. ClassesBrookline Adult & Community Education617-730-2700 www.brooklineadulted.org Four-Day E.S.L. Review Sec. 01: 4 Days: Beginning: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 9:00am-12:00pm. Begins September 12, BHS, $80.Sec. 01: 4 Days: Intermediate: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thurs.. 더보기
Classes by Brookline Housing Authority The following information is kindly shared by the Brookline Housing Authority. English Classes Enrolling Now! 今天报名了英语辅导班 Enskri jodi a pou klas angle Зарегистрируйтесь сегодня на курсы английского языка Inscríbete hoy para las clases de inglés  3 levels of English  Day and evening classes  Classes are FREE; only $20 for materials  You must be low-income and live or work in Brookline  Start .. 더보기
A Diversity Workshop Series for Families & Young Children The following information is provided by Chris Chanyasulkit, Human Services Specialist from the Brookline Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Relations. ~ * ~"Our Stories: Friends, Family and Community"A Diversity Workshop Series for Families and Young ChildrenFacilitated by Alicia Hsu This series of three workshops is designed to engage parents, guardians and their young children in a.. 더보기
Free English Classes by Brookline Housing Authority English Classes FREE and low-cost English classes are offered by the BrooklineHousing Authority for low-income Brookline residents starting thisFebruary 2016. Morning, afternoon, & evening class options are available for beginner to intermediate levels. Thursday, 1/28 from 2-4pm or Monday, 2/1 from 5-7pm90 Longwood Ave. Brookline, MA Hurry! Space is limited and is not guaranteed. Sign up today b.. 더보기